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What's It Like To Work With Amplify C-Com

Success Stories

Here Are Some Of The Results Our Clients Have Gotten After Deploying a C-Com System™

From $261 Per Call Reduced To $48 Per Call 

In 14 Days With 543% Reduction In Booked Call Cost

This client was finding their booked call cost was super expensive, which put pressure on the whole sales team. 

 After deploying our C-Com System™, our client's cost of calls reduced by 543% without changing any ads or creatives.

From $31,000 p/m To $244,000 p/m 

In 90 Days With 200%+ ROAS

Our client had a great message, but the problem was no one saw it. They had a 15% show-up rate on their webinar.

After deploying our C-Com System™, that increased by 83%. So for the same amount of ad spend, they could get almost double the number of prospects seeing their message.

Once we mapped out the entire customer journey, we could see where people were bleeding profits and put in fixes to rapidly scale their business.

From $117 CPA Reduced To $56 CPA 

In 14 Days With Profitable Front End ROAS

Every time this particular client scaled, the ads broke. You may have experienced a familiar story. There are two ways to increase profitability.

Increase revenue or decrease costs. After deploying our C-Com System™, our client's cost per acquisition fell by 105% vs. their previous best-performing ad without changing any creative or targeting.

From $0 In Sales To $121,000 In Sales

In 14 Days With $150 in ads

Our client had a live event coming up and needed to sell more tickets fast.

After deploying our C-Com System™, we added in some bolt-ons with extra virality to Amplify their profits. 

The results were over 95,000 views on a Facebook Live and 2500 leads in 14 days that turned into $120,000 in sales.

By the end of the project, the client was effectively paid to acquire a vast list of new leads and buyers.

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